发布时间:2025-02-09 18:02:01
本文摘要:It's good to see you again, Bashar!
It's good to see you again, Bashar!很高兴再度看到你,巴夏!巴夏:And to you as well, good day!我们也很高兴看到你!日福!问:Yes, I have several questions I'm not sure which to answer first,我有几个问题,不告诉应当再行回答哪一个one thing that occurred to me just as I was s before I came up here other than the ones down was a personal thing about my memory of being part of Atlantis.在我上台之前,我躺在台下,写出一些东西(发问),忽然之间,我回忆起 一些我在亚特兰蒂斯时期的记忆And a sc there那时候,我是一名科学家巴夏:You're making a connection from the present to a sc to exist there in Atlantis s for your own purposes, yes.是的!为了构建你自己的目的,你从“当下”链接到一位不存在于亚特兰蒂斯时期的科学家It's not you as a person但那个人,并不是你问:Right.你说道的对!巴夏:It may be the same oversoul that you're an extension of and that being is an extension of你和那位科学家,有可能都是同一个超灵的“派生”(伸延)And from the oversoul level, you could say: Those are my lives所以,从超灵的层面上谈,你可以说道:“那些都是我的人生经历”ut from the human level, You never been that person, they will never be you.但是,从单个人类层面来讲:你根本都不是“他”,他也总有一天会是“你”ut you're making that connection.但是,你创建了与他的相连o how does it serve you to have that connection? What are you learning by having that connection?那么,这个相连,对你有何助益呢?你从相连中,教给了什么呢?问:Well, I'm doing science now, I am a sc today.如今,我是一名科学家,在做到科学研究巴夏:All right. So your from that person's experience to guide you in doing science in the way that would work best for this age of transformation on earth?好的!所以,你从他那里吸取经验,借以指导你现在做到科学研究,从而在这个转化成时期,带来地球最佳的助益问:Yes! And so in doing what I'm doing now, we have crystals that we've created that enhance life force.是的!现在,我们作出了一些水晶,可以强化人体的生命力巴夏:All right! That are perm slips that allow someone with the belief system to enhance their own life force.好的!这些水晶是“自我意识许可”,让那些具有这种信念系统的人,可以强化他们的生命力问:Well, yes, but we've done thousands of exper with plants. And the plants grow better, healthier with certain crystal forms.是的!但我们也对植物做到过成千上万次实验,并且,这些植物长得更佳、更加身体健康,还具有一定的水晶形态巴夏:Yes!好的!ut the plants also know what it is you're attempting to do and will agree with your belief systems, and show you the reflection of that.但是,植物们告诉 你们企图要做到什么,也赞成你们的信念系统,并以自身 呈现“你们的信念系统的影射”They know what they're doing.它们告诉 它们在做到什么问:Well, yes. But we have done blin too.好吧,但我们也做到“盲测”(随机取样试验)巴夏:It doesn't matter. You can blind the higher mind.这不影响,因为你“盲不了”低我回答:HaHa, thank you!哈哈!谢谢!巴夏:Thank you谢谢!相亲是个奶爸近日全职带上娃翻译成数量较少了期望别见怪啦!amaste!
